Meet the Owner: Hello fellow video gamers! My name is Jonathan Wylie and I have called the Twin Tiers my home for over 30 years. I grew up in the 90's playing sports, being outside, and hanging out with friends. I fell in love with video games when I received my first system the Nintendo NES. I was hooked! I love how games bring people together and I loved playing games on the same couch but us gamers call it co-op. That has gone by the way side since the internet has been utilized in games bringing people together virtually. I am not so sure about all gamers but I miss those experiences! Well, I believe I have a solution...
Come check out Checkpoint Gaming Lounge located conveniently in the Arnot Mall. Bring friends or meet new ones! Come do what you love but socialize with other like minded individuals like yourself!
I love this area! So many of us dream of moving away and often times its because "there is nothing to do here!" That is just not true anymore, so if you want to experience something fun you don't have to drive hours, come visit me at Checkpoint Gaming Lounge!